A numerical approach based on variational methods to an elastodynamic contact problem


We investigate a rolling contact problem in elastodynamics. Contact problemsin elasticity appear in various fields such as manufacturing and earthquake engineering. Inparticular, we have in mind the application to printers, where paper sheets are driven throughthe printer by rollers. A typical problem for such printers is that the roller may produce asqueaking sound. As a step towards preventing such a sound, we study a simplified modelin which the roller is modeled as an elastic body driven by a rotation. The paper sheet ismodeled as a rigid obstacle. For simplicity, we assume no frictional forces between theroller and the obstacle. The resulting equations of motion are of hyperbolic type with a freeboundary. The aim of the paper is to develop a numerical scheme to solve these equationsof motion. The scheme is based on a variational method called the discrete Morse flow. Thenovelty is that this scheme has not been applied to a hyperbolic system with a free boundarywhere the unknown function is vector-valued

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