Obrzęk płuc jako pierwszy objaw kardiomiopatii połogowej. Diagnostyka za pomocą rezonansu magnetycznego


We present a case of a 23 year-old pregnant woman, who underwent a cesarian section due to the risk of eclampsia. The patient developed pulmonary oedema due to severe left ventricular impairement. After the standard treatment and a short period of bromocriptine, the symptoms of the oedema subsided. In order to differentiate between the primary dilated cardiomyopathy and postpartum cardiomyopathy (PPC), the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination was carried out twice at a 3-month interval, and confirmed the diagnosis of PPC. This case report underlines the role of MRI in detection of PPC. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 9: 942–94

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