Złożona angioplastyka prawej tętnicy szyjnej wewnętrznej i wspólnej z implantacją stentów z zastosowaniem równoczesnej protekcji proksymalnej i dystalnej
We present a case of a 73 year-old man with, long-segment thigh stenosis in the right common and internal carotid artery
with occlusion left common carotid artery. Complex angioplasty with modification proximal and distal system protection was
successful performed. There were no procedure-related complications. We concluded that in very complex, multilevel
lesions in carotid artery, there is a place for safe double system protection. This maneuver can increase safe of the carotid
artery stenting and minimise potential complications.
Kardiol Pol 2012; 70, 1: 88–9