PENERJEMAHAN ISTILAH BUDAYA DARI BAHASA PRANCIS KE DALAM BAHASA INDONESIA (Penelitian Analisis Isi pada Terjemahan Novel Madame Bovary Karya Gustave Flaubert oleh Santi Hendrawati)


This research focuses on cultural term equivalence in Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert’s novel and its translation by Santi Hendrawati in the same title. The researcher uses the content analysis in qualitative methodology. The use of content analysis in this research is to analyses the translation process as a communicative activity. Then, for analysing two languages with different cultures, this research needs a comparative analysis. The research compares the translation and its source language. From this study, we hope to find four problems in the cultural term of translation process. Those are the cultural term equivalence, the strategy of translation (translation methods and procedure included), translation error, and its causes. Based on this study, translation seems like a difficult activity. So, the translator needs hardly understanding how to use correctly the translation methode and procedure, and also knowledge of source language as well as of target language. They have to note that those two skill are very important at doing a translation, otherwise they can make an error. In this research, I consider that this translator can’t understand how to use the translation strategies and how to transfer the cultural in source language to target language for some time. I analyse 60 cultural terms and I see 33 from those as equivalent. It means only 55 % informations well communicated. And the least, this translator can’t communicate 45 % cultural term in source language to target languag

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