Latina Adolescent Dating Violence Public Narrative


A scholarly project has been conducted to assess use of public narrative between health care providers (HCPs) and Latina adolescents to reduce dating violence (DV) health consequences. Latina adolescents require an innovative, transcultural approach for dating violence care to reduce barriers to care. Healthcare providers must structure dating violence care to Latina adolescents due to different dating violence patterns and health consequences compared to other ethnicities and generations. There is minimal evidence- based research on the use of public narrative and its effects of use in the healthcare setting. The application of public narrative and the citizen professional will be presented to healthcare providers at a community-based clinic that predominantly treats Latino patients. The overall conclusion was that the use of public narrative and the citizen professional could benefit Latina adolescent dating violence care. The healthcare providers see more Latina adults than adolescents that suffer from dating violence but conclude that public narrative and citizen professional would be beneficial for Latina adults as well. Further investigation needs to be done to address Latina adolescent perspectives on public narrative and citizen professional utilization for dating violence in the healthcare setting. Overall, this scholarly project enhances the advanced nursing practice by developing a cost-effective, transcultural approach towards improving healthcare for Latina adolescent dating violence victims

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