Respecting The Spectrum: Creating A Gender Inclusive Structured Diagnostic Intake Interview


Transgender and nonbinary (TNB) people, more than ever, are in need of and actively seeking out services in order to cope with the reality of being transgender in the United States. This includes requiring assistance from local and federal governmental systems that do not provide protections for equal housing, workplace discrimination, and healthcare provisions, much less hate crime investigation and prosecution. In 2011, 75% of transgender people were or had been in therapy in the past, with a further 14% intending to participate in therapy in the future. Recently, the newly elected President Joseph Biden issued an executive order (EO) within his first 100 days in office. The EO was a directive for all federal agencies to review their practices to ensure that they are not discriminatory in nature toward gender-diverse individuals. . Additionally, the Biden administration empowered the Department of Defense to do a similar review of their practices and conclude that trans individuals should be allowed to serve in the military to create a stronger, inclusive service (Department of Defense, 2021). These, along with other policies, including the protections of Title IX protecting trans athletes and students, are some of the significant positive changes by the current administration. TNB people experience discrimination in many ways, which calls for a review of the instruments psychologists use to differentiate the proper treatment clients. Using the research of risk factors and specific information needed for treatment planning with TNB individuals, the intake interview created an inclusive and efficient experience for the transgender clients and the clinicians administering the intake

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