Post-communist transformation in lithuania: analysis of the initial privatization of state property


In this paper is analysing the Initial Privatization of State Property in Lithuania. This privatization took place from 1991 to 1995. Privatization process is analysing through analysis of concern EBSW, which privatized more state property. Privatization in Lithuania was based on assumption that fast privatization will create opportunities which makes Lithunia prosper country. But in Lithuania in past and now exists many economical, social and political problems. In this paper is searching answer to question, if privatization influenced this problems, how and why it influenced? The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to analyse process of privatization and social, economical and political effects to Lithuania‘s development. In the begining of the paper were formulated 4 tasks: 1) to analyse legislations which regulated privatization; 2) to make analysis of press; 3) to analyse circumstances of creation concern EBSW and its role in privatization process; 4) to reveal how this concern influenced Lithuania‘s social, economical and political development. In the bachelor thesis was raised statement, that in Lithuania political regime partly is oligarchic. The roots of parlty oligarchic regime are in privatization process. Found out, that privatization partly contributed to social, economical and political problems, that exsists in Lithuania nowadays. The statement, which was raised in the bachelor thesis, was partly confirmed. In the future analysis, is possible to analyse, how laissez-faire influenced problems, which exists in Lithuania. Also, it is possibly to analyse, how privatization process was influenced by fact, that many people nothing knew about how capitalist economy works. In this bachelor thesis analysing privatization process in Lithuania and is searching, how this process influenced Lithuania‘s social, economical and political development. It is trying to watch to privatization and it‘s concesquencies from nowadays perspective

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