Development of nordic aid policy for the baltic states after the eastern enlargement of the eu: goals and reasons


After the Baltic States regained their independence from the Soviet Union, the Nordic countries were the first to offer support. The objectives of the first support programs included the democratization processes of the Baltic States, their return to the international community and their formal membership in the European Union. In the academic literature, the authors unanimously agree that the main reason for the support of this period was the strong Nordic tradition of adjacent internationalism. In other words, it was a sincere, values-based desire to help neighbouring countries through difficult times. It is known that the goals of the Nordic countries' support to the Baltic States were achieved in 2004. The Baltic States have become democratic members of the EU. However, the Nordic countries' support for the Baltic States continues and co-operation between these countries is developing after 2004. The lack of data and researches on ongoing aid policies raises the question: does Nordic support continue to be based on value goals (e.g., adjacent internationalism), or does it reflect the pragmatic interests of the donor? Research object: Nordic support policy for the Baltic States since 2004 The aim of the research: To analyse the trends of the Nordic region's support to the Baltic States after 2004 and to answer the question - whether the Nordic region's support to the Baltic States after 2004 continues to be based on value goals or reflects a more pragmatic donor interest. Methodology: the principles of qualitative process analysis were applied. In the course of the study, expert interviews were conducted and the Nordic support reports, publications, support programs and Nordic countries' presidency programs of the Nordic Council of Ministers were analysed. Key findings of the research: 1) Nordic support to the Baltic States is based on value goals. The Nordic countries promote the creation of a united region based on shared democratic values, transparency and respect for human rights. The Nordic countries also promote the development of those Baltic areas to which they pay great attention in their domestic policies: education, social welfare and culture. 2) The Nordic countries do not pursue pragmatic goals. In fact, these countries benefit to some extent from the provided support to the Baltic States and co-operation with the following countries. Nordic support for solutions to the challenges of neighbouring countries returns to the Nordic countries in the form of regional security, stability and common values. However, this benefit cannot be considered pragmatic, as its pursuit is not based solely on Nordics' selfish interests. 3) Nordic support for the Baltic States is based on strengthening the region and addressing common challenges. The geographical proximity and cultural identity of the Nordic-Baltic countries mean that these countries face similar challenges and threats, as well as pursuing similar goals. Therefore, the Nordic countries provide support and develop co-operation with the Baltic States, as this ensures the implementation of the interests of a united region. Gaps in academic content, scientific insights, and empirical data were encountered during this research. Expert interviews were conducted to compensate for these gaps. Therefore, this bachelor thesis has filled the gaps in the academic literature by complementing the academic research field with the latest Nordic support policy data and insights. In this way, this bachelor's thesis provided a basis for further research into Nordic support policy, which could focus on bilateral Nordic-Baltic relations. This would let to define the interests and priorities of each state in the Baltic Sea Region in the framework of regional cooperation. The case of Estonia is particularly interesting, as this country cooperates much more actively with the Nordic countries and shows the greatest interest compared to other Baltic states

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