Magnetization Dynamics in Proximity-Coupled Superconductor-Ferromagnet-Superconductor Multilayers


© 2020 American Physical Society. In this work, magnetization dynamics is studied in superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor three-layered films in a wide frequency, field, and temperature ranges using the broad-band ferromagnetic resonance measurement technique. It is shown that in the presence of both superconducting layers and of superconducting proximity at both superconductor-ferromagnet interfaces a massive shift of the ferromagnetic resonance to higher frequencies emerges. The phenomenon is robust and essentially long-range: It has been observed for a set of samples with the thickness of ferromagnetic layer in the range from tens up to hundreds of nanometers. The resonance frequency shift is characterized by proximity-induced magnetic anisotropies: By the positive in-plane uniaxial anisotropy and by the drop of magnetization. The shift and the corresponding uniaxial anisotropy grow with the thickness of the ferromagnetic layer. For instance, the anisotropy reaches 0.27 T in experiment for a sample with a 350-nm-thick ferromagnetic layer, and about 0.4 T in predictions, which makes it a ferromagnetic film structure with the highest anisotropy and the highest natural resonance frequency ever reported. Various scenarios for the superconductivity-induced magnetic anisotropy are discussed. As a result, the origin of the phenomenon remains unclear. Application of the proximity-induced anisotropies in superconducting magnonics is proposed as a way for manipulations with a spin-wave spectrum

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