Generalization of non-commuting graph of a finite group


In this paper we define the generalized non-commuting graph Γ(H,K,L) where H, K and L are three subgroups of a non-abelian group G. Take (H∪K∪L)\CH(K∪L)∪CK∪L(H) as the vertices of the graph and two distinct vertices x and y join, whenever x or y is in H and [x, y] 6= 1. We obtain diameter and girth of this graph. Also, we discuss the dominating set and planarity of Γ(H,K,L). Moreover, we try to find a connection between Γ(H,K,L) and the relative commutativity degree of three subgroups d(H, K ∪L).Publisher's Versio

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