Thomas Aquinas oor die aborsiedebat en die Kerk magesterium


Thomas of Aquino’s exchange of ideas and the church magesterium present an exhaustive overview for the implementation of the dignity of human life. The result of such an exchange of ideas causes the church magesterium to oppose every threat to human life from the moment of conception. The threat to human life is most intense at the point where life begins — at that stage where it is at its most defenceless. It is, for example, pre-natal. It is at this moment when humans are totally dependent on the goodwill and care of others. The church magesterium attempts to have an awareness of a “culture of life” take hold in civil society. By having created the human soul, God clothed humans in godliness. Human life, therefore, has a sacred and inviolable quality. The inviolate quality of human life is guaranteed by the Constitution of South Africa. It guarantees the equality of all in law, also that of the foetus. Should there be any violation of this right, it would have far-reaching implications for political civil society. Humankind is obliged to respect life. It expresses humankind’s relationship to fellow-man: and it is valid from the first moment of conception through to adulthood. The foetus also is a fellow human being and his or her rights should be respected just as the case would be with every other human being

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