Diffraction production of photons in high energy proton-nucleus collision


U ovom radu promatramo produkciju fotona u visoko-energijskim proton-jezgra (pA) sudarima. Proučava se dvostruko-difrakcijski proces u kojemu i projektil i meta preživljavaju sudar. Pritom smo pretpostavili da je gustoća naboja boje jezgre dovoljno velika da je možemo opisati efektivnom teorijom staklastog kondenzata boje, dok se proton tretira kao smetnja. Eksplicitno je izračunata amplituda za ovaj proces u najnižem redu razvoja po gustoći naboja boje unutar protona te je pronađeno da je ovaj proces osjetljiv na tzv. oderon komponentu valne funkcije jezgre.This thesis explores the production of photons in high-energy proton-nucleus (pA) collisions. More specifically, it examines the double diffraction collision in which both the projectile and the target survive the collision. It is assumed that the charge density of the nucleus colour is high enough for it to be described by the effective theory of the colour glass condensate, while the proton is considered a hindrance. In this thesis, the amplitude for this process in the lowest order of perturbation theory is explicitly calculated by the color charge density within the proton, and the process is sensitive to so-called odderon component of the nucleus wave function

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