Serous macular detachment in acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy Akut Posterior Multifokal Plakoid Pigment Epitelyopati'de Seröz Maküla Dekolmaní


A 49-year-old male patient visited our clinic with a complaint of decreased vision in his left eye, which started a week ago. Fundus examination of his left eye revealed that there were multifocal, flat, grey-white placoid lesions. There were only few lesions around the vessel arc of the right eye. After a month, it was detected through fundus examination of the patient's right eye that there is an increase in the optic disc edema, serous macular detachment and white lesions. Two months after the appearance of the first lesion, vision of his both eyes was perfect. Some atrophic hyperpigmented lesions were consistent on the left eye. The serous macular detachment in the right eye disappeared after three months, however, optic disc edema decreasingly continued for 6 months

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