A context modeling approach and a tool for reusing learning scenarios


With the evolution of teaching modalities and the high integration of the technology in the learning processes, teachers proceed to the design of learning situations in order to plan and formalize their educational experiences and share them with students and other teachers. Various academic and community initiatives of experience sharing and resulting learning scenarios repositories have emerged. This leads us to discuss the learning scenarios reuse issue, which becomes an essential practice for capitalization. Since the learning contexts are continuously changing, it could represent an obstacle to the reuse and the appropriation of learning scenarios. It therefore becomes important to consider the context dimension to assist teachers in the scenarios reuse situations. This paper deals firstly with the proposition of an approach to model learning scenarios context. Based on this modeling approach, this paper is interested in the retrieval of learning scenarios that most fit a target learning situation context by presenting a context similarity algorithm matching contextual models. The retrieval is based on contextual indexes related to scenarios. The indexing process is consolidated by the observation of the prior user-experiences of learning scenarios. An authoring tool is then presented integrating the context modeling approach and the detailed algorithm. Simulations of the implemented tool and related results are detailed within this paper

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