Challenges facing Administrators of Public Secondary Schools in Nigeria and the Way Forward


Secondary school education is the education that offered post-primary school education. It is the education that prepares the student for career choice in life. The public secondary school are handled by administrators in Nigeria who oversees the administration and ensure the aims and objectives of the schools are realized. It has been observed that these public secondary school administrators are facing many challenges. This article discusses the challenges facing administrators of public secondary schools in Nigeria. We adopted secondary data to provide empirical fact to support every point raised in the paper. The secondary data were sorted online and through print materials. The paper identified: inadequate funding, inadequate infrastructural facilities, poor capacity building programme, shortage of professional teachers, inadequate ICT facilities, shortage of instructional resources, insecurity and poor supervision as challenges facing the public secondary school administrators in Nigeria. Increasing in the funding of public secondary schools were among the recommendations given in this paper for the effective administration of the public secondary schools by the administrators

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