
Endo-Perio lesions often remain free of symptoms for long periods, until it starts acute symptoms of inflammation and/or increased pain.The differential diagnosis of endodontic and periodontal diseases can be challenged but a correct diagnosis has a vital importance so that appropriate treatment can be provided. Endodontic treatment is highly predictable and has high successful rate when appropriately performed. If majority of bony support has been lost from periodontitis, regardless of predictability of endodontic therapy, tooth may have hopeless prognosis. Regeneration, root resection and hemisection are indicated as a part of strategic treatment of multirooted teeth. Differentiating between a periodontal and an endodontic problem can be difficult. A symptomatic tooth may have pain of periodontal and/or pulpal origin. The nature of that pain is often the first clue in determining the etiology of such a problem. Radiographic and clinical evaluation can help clarify the nature of the problem. In some cases, the influence of pulpal pathology may cause the periodontal involvement and vice versa. The simultaneous existence of pulpal problems and inflammatory periodontal disease can complicate diagnosis and treatment planning. An endo-perio lesion can have a varied pathogenesis which ranges from simple to relatively complex one

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