A Chilean Educational Initiative to Mitigate the Impact on Mathematics Learning in Grade 1 Students During the Covid-19 Lockdown / Una iniciativa educativa chilena para atenuar el impacto en el aprendizaje de matemática en estudiantes del grado 1 durante el aislamiento social por Covid-19


The social distancing measures that were imposed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, led many countries to adopt distance education. In Chile, a group of teachers sought to support children’s education, and with the combined efforts of parents, teachers and administrators took up the challenge of how to help children continue learning in such an adverse environment. To this end, an open-access television program, specifically to support daily math for grade 1 children, was created. The program, which was available on the Internet, comprised fifty-seven video clips based on the official school text and tutor-student interaction. The present paper reports on this initiative and its outcomes

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