Quality Assurance Programme in Public Secondary Schools in Nigeria: Problems and Way Forward


In order to realize quality secondary school education in Nigeria, the government established agencies and departments of supervision, inspection and quality assurance units and also came out with quality assurance programme. With all these ministries agencies and programmes, the quality of secondary school education keeps declining daily. This paper discussed the problems hindering the quality assurance programme in Nigerian public secondary schools. Secondary data were used to provide empirical support to every point raised in the paper. Inadequate funding, shortage of professional teachers, inadequate infrastructural facilities, poor supervision, corruption, weak school administrators, inadequate instructional materials, poor quality of primary School education, examination malpractice were identified as problems hindering effective quality assurance programme in Nigerian public secondary schools. Based on the literatures that were reviewed, the following recommendations are made: adequate funding, employment of professional teachers, provision infrastructural facilities, effective supervision, corruption eradication, appointment of competent school administrators, provision adequate instructional materials, improvement in quality of primary school education and prevention of  examination malpractice in public secondary schools

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