
Multiquark Systems in a Constituent Quark Model with Chiral Dynamics


We discuss the stability of multiquark systems within the recent model of Glozman et al. where the chromomagnetic hyperfine interaction is replaced by pseudoscalar-meson exchange. We find that such an interaction binds a heavy tetraquark system QQqˉqˉQQ\bar q\bar q (Q=c,bQ=c, b and q=u,d)q=u, d) by 0.2−0.40.2-0.4 GeV. This is at variance with results of previous models where ccqˉqˉcc\bar q\bar q is unstable.Comment: 6 pages, Plain Latex, Contribution to the Workshop''Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum II'', Como, Italy, June 26--29, 1996, to appear in the Proceedings, ed. Nora Brambilla, World Scientifi

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