
Distillation of Strangelets for low initial mu/T


We calculate the evolution of quark-gluon-plasma droplets during the hadronization in a thermodynamical model. It is speculated that cooling as well as strangeness enrichment allow for the formation of strangelets even at very high initial entropy per baryon S/Ainitā‰ˆ500S/A^{\rm init}\approx 500 and low initial baryon numbers of ABinitā‰ˆ30A_{\rm B}^{\rm init}\approx 30. It is shown that the droplet with vanishing initial chemical potential of strange quarks and a very moderate chemical potential of up/down quarks immediately charges up with strangeness. Baryon densities of ā‰ˆ2Ļ0\approx 2\rho_0 and strange chemical potentials of Ī¼s>350\mu_s>350~MeV are reached if strangelets are stable. The importance of net--baryon and net--strangeness fluctuations for the possible strangelet formation at RHIC and LHC is emphasized

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