Auto-communication is communication directed to the sender himself or herself, but communicated via theoutside world in an external media with a self-corroborating function. Auto-communication is an overlookedphenomenon in media and communication research. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to examine thephenomenon of auto-communication as a special type of communication by stating its specific textual traits andits function for the sender: to stimulate the self-esteem and to confirm the identity. The article distinguishesbetween an unreflected auto-communication and a planned and strategic use of auto-communication. Autocommunicationexists on an organizatorial level, for example, in self-referential and inside advertisings which areirrelevant to the consumer. Auto-communication also exists on an individual level, for example in personalupdatings on Facebook, which are only relevant to the sender because of the egocentric, superficial and trivialcharacter of the content.Auto-communication is communication directed to the sender himself or herself, but communicated via theoutside world in an external media with a self-corroborating function. Auto-communication is an overlookedphenomenon in media and communication research. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to examine thephenomenon of auto-communication as a special type of communication by stating its specific textual traits andits function for the sender: to stimulate the self-esteem and to confirm the identity. The article distinguishesbetween an unreflected auto-communication and a planned and strategic use of auto-communication. Autocommunicationexists on an organizatorial level, for example, in self-referential and inside advertisings which areirrelevant to the consumer. Auto-communication also exists on an individual level, for example in personalupdatings on Facebook, which are only relevant to the sender because of the egocentric, superficial and trivialcharacter of the content