Allowance Allocation and CO2 Intensities in the EU Energy Sectors


The objective of the study was to investigate whether the national allocation plans of the EU Member States are fair and reasonable, for the energy sectors. The CO2 intensities and allocations were investigated for each Member State. The study concludes that there is little, or no, correlation between CO2 intensity in the energy sector, and the generosity of the allocation to the sector, in the respective Member States. This indicates that the National Allocation Plans are not fair and reasonable, and that they do not meet all of the Annex III criteria.The objective of the study was to investigate whether the national allocation plans of the EU Member States are fair and reasonable, for the energy sectors. The CO2 intensities and allocations were investigated for each Member State. The study concludes that there is little, or no, correlation between CO2 intensity in the energy sector, and the generosity of the allocation to the sector, in the respective Member States. This indicates that the National Allocation Plans are not fair and reasonable, and that they do not meet all of the Annex III criteria

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