The contribution of Advanced Renewable Transport Fuels to transport decarbonization in Sweden - 2030 and beyond


This report will be part of the contribution from Sweden to a joint IEA Bioenergy and IEA Alternative Motor Fuels project called “The contribution of Advanced Renewable Transport Fuels to transport decarbonisation in 2030 and beyond” aiming to showcase the role of advanced renewable transport fuels, considering all transport modes. This report concludes that Sweden has the potential of reaching the targets set for 2030 and 2045 but it requires substantial investments in production, infrastructure and policy, linked to increased ART-fuel implementation. The policy system to be used for this implementation needs to be applied long term. The system also needs to be transparent and predictable both for the market and for the consumers. If the goal is to also promote more novel solutions efforts towards this needs to be included in the design of the instruments. Instruments must be put in a context where (at least) vehicles, infrastructure and fuel usage are included - and how it should be phased out. Moreover, the cost-effectiveness of the instruments needs to be compared and considered before implementation so that the efforts are put where that can have the strongest effect.This report addresses (i) the production potential for renewable fuels, (ii) the usage potential for renewable fuels, (iii) an analysis of current policies in Sweden and indication of additional measures needed to enhance the ART fuel implementation and (iv) challenges that need to be addressed to increase ART fuel usage in Sweden. The work is based on recently published studies and input from experts from the Swedish Transport Administration and the Swedish Energy Agency partly via a dedicated workshop

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