Nordiskt säkerhetspolitiskt samarbete : pragmatiskt men gränslöst


This study deals with one particular instance of foreign policy change in Sweden; The political take-off for enhanced Nordic Defence and Security Cooperation in the beginning of the 21st century which led to an agreement on a Nordic declaration on slolidarity. The aim of this study is to explain why the political development has undergone a rapid upturn and when such a policy change occur. Its purpose is to explain what factors and conditions that influenced the policy change. It also explores the meaning of the Nordic Declaration of Solidarity. The theoretical point of departure is Foreign Policy Analysis combined with John Kingdons policy-window theory. The research methods used are process- tracing and elite- interviews. Findings conclude that a number of factors came together at a critical time opening up for a policy window. Strategic leadership seized the opportunity and advocated their proposal which led to a foreign policy change. The study contributes to a more complete understanding of the pre-decision policy process leading up to the agreement on the Nordic declaration of solidarity.

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