Designing a unit in the science curriculum to develop problem-solving skills among Eighth grade students in Jordan


This study identified the impact of designing a unit in the science curriculum to develop the skills of problem-solving among eighth-grade students in Jordan. The study used the experimental design and built a problem-solving scale after ensuring its validity and reliability. The sample of the study included 86 students from schools in Southern Mazar District, Jordan, for the academic year 2019/2020. The sample was assigned to two groups randomly, an experimental group and a control group. The study used statistical analysis to analyze the collected data. The results revealed the presence of significant differences between the performance of both groups, as the experimental group outperformed the control group. It was noticed that the experimental group increased their skills in problem-solving. The study recommended that the new developed unit to be adopted in the science curriculum. It was also recommended to conduct other studies using different variables and on other samples

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