Recommended precautions because of Covid-19 for perceptual, behavioural,quality and user experience experimentswith test persons in indoor labs


Based on the recommendations from the Public Health Agency of Sweden(Folkhälsomyndigheten; FHM) and a set of internal rules from RISE, the followingrules are published for how to conduct experiments involving test persons in the timesof the pandemic Covid-19. The recommendations are for non-invasive and non-medicaltests, e.g. perceptual, consumer, ergonomic and human-computer interaction teststaking place in an indoor laboratory. Specifically, in this document we are specifying how experiments with test personstargeting audio and visual presentations should be done considering necessaryprecautions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Laboratory experiments with testpersons, as it involves inviting people to the lab, require particular planning and carefulconsideration, if they are to be carried out safely because of the risks imposed by theCovid-19 pandemic. The safety aspects are valid for both the invited test persons andare equally important for the health of the test leaders

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