The present report addresses the Deliverable 2.3 of the project ‘Green cement based on blast-furnace slag’. Deliverable 2.3 aims at the development of new textile reinforcements with improved adhesion and thermal stability for green cements.Two different approaches for impregnation of textile reinforcements with materials that exhibit good adhesion to cementitious matrices as well as good thermal stability were studied: (i) impregnation with cementitious materials, (ii) impregnation with molecular precursors. Moreover, a nano-CSH impregnation system developed at Chalmers was characterized and compared to the systems developed at RISE.Deliverable 2.3 of the project ’Green cement based on blast furnace slag’ funded by Vinnova under their programme ‘Innovationer för ett hållbart samhälle’ (Diarienummer 2016-03367).</p