Structure of populations of lumbricidae in agroecosystems


Značaj koji autohtone vrste kišnih glista imaju u tlu, pre svega u formiranju plodnog zemljišta, nije moguće sagledati bez poznavanja njihovog diverziteta, ekologije i distribucije. Cilj rada je bio procena stanja agroekosistemima analiziom strukture populacija Lumbricidae. Registrovano je 10 vrsta, iz pet rodova, a najbrojniji je rod Aporrectodea. Prisustvo vrste Aporrectodea rosea je utvrđeno na svim lokalitetima. Analizom ekoloških tipova i zoogeografskih kategorija, utvrđeno je da populacija lumbricida oskudna, razbijena i prilično ujednačena. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost upotrebe lumbricida za rano upozoravanje na zdravlje tla i za procenu stanja životne sredine.The importance of autohtone autochthonous earthworm species in soil, especially in the formation of fertile soil, cannot be seen without knowledge of their diversity, ecology and distribution. Our goal was to assess the state of agroecosystems by analyzing the structure of populations of Lumbricidae. We were collected a total of 10 lumbricid species, within 5 genera. Most of the taxa belong to the genera Aporrectodea. Aporrectodea rosea has been found in all localities. By analyzing the ecological form and zoogeographic types, we have found that the lumbricide population is scarce, disrupted and fairly uniform. These results indicate the possibility of using lumbricides for early warning of soil health and for environmental assessment

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