Rde pšenice - prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost


Historically, rusts have periodically been a threat to cereal production. The most economically important rusts occur on wheat, such as: leaf rust, yellow or stripe rust and stem rust. During the twentieth century the wheat-rust interaction has suffered significant changes, starting with the epidemics of stem rust at the beginning of this century, then establishing a system of control of given pathogens through major research programs, to the recurrence of epidemics of stem, as well as yellow rust at the end of the twentieth century. In our country a significant epidemic of leaf rust was reported in 1994, while in 2014 great yield losses in wheat were caused due to the large outbreak of yellow rust. Multi-year trials that were conducted on the experimental fields of Rimski Šancevi indicated significant effect of environment/year, and the variety on disease index of wheat rusts. Climatic elements which have significantly influenced the development of leaf rust in the period 1998-2013 were as follows: temperature and relative humidity in April, and temperature in May. Climatic conditions which were favorable to yellow rust in 2014, related primarily to mean temperature in January and February, which exceeded the ten-year averages, as well as the heavy rainfall in March and April, which were also higher than average. Furthermore, in these studies we found statistically significant effect of the leaf and yellow rust on wheat yield loss. Given the epidemics of stem rust which in 2016 affected thousands of hectares in the Italian island of Sicily, as well as the data on the occurrence of new aggressive races of yellow rust on the territory of Europe, regular monitoring of climate change and approach that includes integrated crop protection measures represents a necessity in order to keep pace with these pathogens.Tokom istorije rde su periodično bile pretnja proizvodnji ratarskih kultura. Ekonomski najznačajnije su rde koje se javljaju na pšenici: lisna, žuta i stabljična rda. Odnos pšenica-rde tokom XX veka je pretrpeo značajne promene, počevši od epidemija stabljične rde početkom ovog veka, zatim uspostavljanja sistema kontrole datih patogena kroz značajne istraživačke programe, pa do ponovne pojave epidemije stabljične, ali i žute rde na kraju XX veka. Na našim prostorima značajna epidemija lisne rde utvrđena je 1994. godine, dok su 2014. godine veliki gubici u prinosu pšenice uzrokovani jačom pojavom žute rde. Višegodišnja ispitivanja na oglednim poljima na Rimskim Šančevima ukazala su na statistički značajan uticaj sredine/godine i sorte na visinu indeksa oboljenja rda pšenice. Klimatski elementi koji su značajno uticali na razvoj lisne rde u periodu 1998-2013. godine bili su: temperatura u aprilu; relativna vlažnost vazduha u aprilu i temperatura u maju. Klimatski uslovi koji su pogodovali pojavi žute rde 2014. godine, odnose se pre svega na srednje temperature u januaru i februaru koje su nadmašile desetogodišnje proseke, kao i na obilne padavine u martu i aprilu koje su takođe bile iznad prosečnih vrednosti. Takođe, u ovim istraživanjima utvrđen je statistički značajan uticaj prouzrokovača lisne, kao i žute rde na gubitak prinosa pšenice. S obzirom na epidemiju stabljične rde koja je prošle, 2016. godine, zahvatila hiljade hektara na području Sicilije, kao i na podatke o pojavi novih, agresivnijih rasa žute rde na području Evrope, redovno praćenje klimatskih promena i pristup koji podrazumeva integralne mere zaštite useva predstavlja neophodnost kako bi se držao korak sa ovim patogenima

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