Kako nastavnici vide sami sebe


The paper discusses the problem of self-perceptions among teachers. Presented and analyzed are the results obtained by a research in primary, vocational and grammar schools in Serbia. The starting point of the research was to try to supplement theoretical analyses that mainly relate to desirable features of good teachers with the perception of the teachers themselves of the actual situation in practice. Our intention was to make teachers evaluate their own work, and then to obtain the same evaluation from the students' perspective. The teachers were also asked to state desirable characteristics of the teacher. The results showed that the teachers are informed about how an ideal teacher should behave, but that, in practice, it rarely happens. Results like this indicate to a need for further teacher training in the area of teaching competencies.U radu se razmatra problem samopercepcije učitelja i nastavnika. Prikazani su i analizirani rezultati dobijeni istraživanjem u osnovnim, srednjim stručnim školama i gimnazijama u Srbiji. Polazna osnova istraživanja je potreba da se teorijske analize, koje se uglavnom odnose na poželjne karakteristike nastavnika, dopune i percepcijom nastavnika o stanju na terenu. Namera našeg istraživanja je da nastavnici prvo ocene svoj rad iz sopstvene perspektive, a zatim iz perspektive učenika. Nastavnici su se takođe izjasnili i o poželjnim karakteristikama nastavnika. Rezultati pokazuju da su nastavnici upućeni u to kako bi trebalo da se ponaša idealni nastavnik, ali se, po njihovom mišljenju, u praksi to ne dešava. Iz ovakvih rezultata proizlazi potreba za daljim usavršavanjem naših nastavnika u oblasti nastavničkih kompetencija

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