Koncentracija teških metala u zemljištu parkova i zelenih površina u Beogradu


The current study included the investigation of several metals and their distribution in urban soils from parks and green areas in the city of Belgrade. The soils were sampled in January and February 2008. The concentrations of Cd, Co, Cu, Pb, Mn and Zn were measured, as well as the pH values and organic matter contents. The obtained results showed that there was a significant level of contamination in some samples, especially with lead, and that it was most probably caused by anthropogenic activities, mostly from traffic. The results were compared with the National legislation and Netherlands standards. Also, the recent results were compared with the data from previous work and it was concluded that there has been a certain increase of the Pb concentration in the past three years. The level of pollution in playground soil was very high and each analyzed sample exceeded the Dutch target value for Cd, Co and Pb.Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje distribucije teških metala u zemljištu parkova i zelenih površina u Beogradu. U uzorcima zemljišta, prikupljenim tokom januara i februara 2008. godine, određivane su koncentracije kadmijuma, kobalta, bakra, olova, mangana i cinka, kao i pH vrednost i sadržaj organske materije. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju značajan stepen zagađenja kod pojedinih uzoraka. Izuzetno visok sadržaj olova zabeležen je kod sviispitivanih uzoraka, i najverovatnije je posledica antropogenih aktivnosti, pre svega saobraćaja. Poređenjem rezultata sa ranijim ispitivanjima primećeno je znatno povećanje sadržaja olova u zemljištu u protekle tri godine. Izuzetno zabrinjavajuća je i činjenica da je zemljište uzorkovano u dečijim igralištima zagađeno teškim metalima. Takođe, poređenjem dobijenih rezultata sa holandskim standardom, zaključeno je da su kod svih uzoraka koncentracije ispitivanih metala više od koncentracija definisanih tim standardom

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