Traditional Swedish timber buildings – A study around a preindustrial carpenter’s toolbox


This work brings up the subject of importance in the use of traditional tools in the process of making timber buildings. Who they were, what they looked like, their usage and if there is any connection between usage and design. In today’s literature they are well documented but not in any form of practice. They are only documented as they are without the context of the process they are used in. So with the help of literature sources, pictures from archives and museums create the tools necessary to be able to build a timber building. Without the extra use of modern tools recreate scenarios of problem – solving to come closer to a historical perspective with the traditional ones. With the use of questions like where they were used in the process and the connection between usage and design in the tools come forward with results that answers the questions asked. Use a timber building process as a platform to evaluate and critic what they are doing and maybe give a deeper understanding in these tools pros and cons and why they were used. With the help of photo and describing text make this capture of the tools in motion to fill the gap that there is in the already existing literature. About traditional ways of building in Sweden out of one of the perspectives. The tools perspective is used to hopefully give assistants to the modern carpenters who produce new timber buildings but also the ones working in conservation of older timber buildings

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