Proučavanje fizičko-hemijskih svojstava novosintetisanih derivata uracila


Uracil derivatives are potentially biologically active compounds, so the investigation of their physical and chemical properties is very important for their further application. In this work a series of newly synthesized derivatives of uracil was investigated by applying the spectrophotometric method. The absorption spectra were recorded in seventeen solvents with different properties. The effect of solvent was interpreted by Kamlet-Taft solvatochromic model. The dominance and the types of interactions that occur between the investigated derivatives and solvent were interpreted by applying the multiple linear correlation obtained values of absorption maxima and Hansen's solvent parameters. In addition to the effect of solvent, the influence of substituents in the molecule on absorption spectra was studied by applying Hammett equation.Derivati uracila predstavljaju potencijalno biološki aktivna jedinjenja, pa je ispitivanje njihovih fizičko- hemijskih svojstava veoma značajno za njihovu dalju primenu. U ovom radu je ispitana serija novosintetisanih derivata uracila primenom spektrofotometrijske metode. Apsorpcioni spektri su snimljeni u sedamnaest rastvarača različitih svojstava. Uticaj rastvarača na apsorpcione spektre tumačen je primenom Kamlet-Taft-ovog solvatohromnog modela. Dominantnost i vrste interakcija koje se javljaju između ispitivanih derivata i rastvarača analizirane su metodom višestruke linearne korelacije dobijenih vrednosti položaja apsorpcionih maksimuma i Hansen-ovih parametara rastvarača. Pored uticaja rastvarača, tumačen je i uticaj supstituenta prisutnog u molekulu na apsorpcione spektre pomoću Hammett-ove jednačine

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