Support to talented child through schooling in specialized school with the internet


Grupisanje i izdvajanje darovitih i talentovanih učenika u posebne škole i odeljenja preporučuje se zbog toga što oni, u odnosu na svoje vršnjake, postižu više nivoe kognitivnog razvoja, brže se kreću od jednog do drugog razvojnog stupnja i imaju veća predzanja. Jedan broj talentovanih učenika stiže u specijalizovane škole sa internatom, u slučaju kada njihova porodica nema mogućnosti da im obezbedi adekvatnu obrazovnu podršku u svom okruženju. U radu se diskutuju pitanja kako da boravak talentovanih učenika u školi sa internatom bude podsticajno i prijatno iskustvo u njihovom obrazovnom i profesionalnom razvoju, kako da škola nadomesti izlazak adolescenta iz porodice zbog smeštaja u domu, i kako da se uspostavi i ostvari uspešna komunikacija talentovanih učenika sa drugovima i vršnjacima u novoj sredini. Internatski smeštaj učenika pruža uslove za rad sa njima i van obavezne nastave, kroz organizovanje vanškolskih aktivnosti, strukturiranje njihovog slobodnog vremena i intenzivnije korišćenje resursa iz okruženja. U cilju unapređenja rada škole, koja radi po posebnom nastavnom programu i čiji učenici koriste internat, preporučeno je traganje za balansom između ličnih i društvenih težnji, veća responzivnost škole na potrebe okruženja i rad na boljoj integraciji škole u lokalnu zajednicu.Grouping and separation of gifted and talented pupils into special schools and classes is recommended due to the fact that they, in comparison to their peers, reach higher levels of cognitive development, move faster from one developmental stage to another and have better pre-knowledge. A number of talented children come to specialized schools with the Internet, in case their family does not have a possibility to provide them with adequate educational support in its setting. The paper discusses the issues of making the stay of talented students in the school with the Internet encouraging and pleasant experience in their educational and professional development, of finding a way for the school to compensate for the fact that the adolescents had to leave their families in order to be accommodated in a home for students, as well as of establishing and successful communication between talented students and their friends and peers in new environment. Accommodation in a home for students opens up possibilities for work with the talented students after compulsory teaching time, through organization of after school activities, structuring their free time and intensified use of setting resources. In order to promote the functioning of the school working according to special curriculum whose students use the Internet, several recommendations have been made: to search for harmony between personal and social aspirations, to offer greater responsiveness of schools to the needs of the setting and to work on better integration of school and local community

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