Uticaj biostimulatora na kvalitet rasada matičnjaka (Melissa officinalis L.) u kontejnerskom sistemu proizvodnje


There are various biostimulators in the contemporary plant production which have effect on plant development. Active biostimulators substances, characterized by high protein content, are of natural origin and they have been produced by enzymatic hydrolysis. Since quality planting is a precondition to a successful production, intensive production methods, namely various natural (organic) stimulators, have been applied to find new technological solutions, which is the goal of the research. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture of Belgrade. Lemon balm nursery plants (Melissa officinalis L.) was produced in containers. Viva, Actiwave and Radifarm were the biostimuli added in nursery plants production, in the concentrations of 0,20 and 0,40%. The experiment included seven versions. Biostimulators Viva were used to water the planting each 10 days, while Actiwave and Radifarm was used for the same purpose each 15 days. Research results indicate considerable, positive effect of the use of natural biostimulators in the production of lemon balm nursery plants. The best quality of nursery plants was achieved when Actiwave biostimulators was used in concentrations of 0,2%.U savremenoj biljnoj proizvodnji prisutni su različiti biostimulatori koji utiču na razvoj biljaka. Aktivne materije biostimulatora su prirodnog porekla, a dobijene su enzimatskom hidrolizom i odlikuju se visokim sadržajem proteina. Kako je kvalitetan rasad uslov uspešne proizvodnje cilj istraživanja bio je iznalaženje novih tehnoloških rešenja primenom intenzivnih načina proizvodnje i to upotrebom različitih prirodnih (organskih) biostimulatora. Ogled je sproveden u stakleniku Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Beogradu. Rasad matičnjaka (Melissa officinalis L.) je proizveden u kontejnerima. Prilikom proizvodnje rasada dodavani su sledeći biostimulatori: Viva, Actiwave i Radifarm u koncentracijama od 0,20% i 0,40%. Ogled se sastojao od sedam varijanti. Rasad je zalivan biostimulatorom Viva na svakih 10 dana, a biostimulatorima Actiwave i Radifarm na svakih 15 dana. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na značajan, pozitivan, efekat upotrebe prirodnih biostimulatora u proizvodnji rasada matičnjaka. Najbolji kvalitet rasada postignut je upotrebom biostimulatora Actiwave i to u koncentraciji od 0,20%

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