Uticaj produžnog dejstva meliorativne obrade zemljišta na razvoj korenovog sistema, morfološke i produktivne osobine ozime pšenice


The paper deals with subsequently effect of ameliorative tillage on the dynamics of some important productive morphology and productive characteristic in winter wheat. The trial was carried-out at the Maize Research Institute 'Zemun Polje' experimental fields in Krnjesevci near Belgrade on meadows chernozem soil type during 2009/10. The following ameliorative and conventional tillage systems were included in investigation: 1. Ameliorative tillage system includes new types machines for field systematization-scrapers (USM 5) in autumn, drainage plow on the depth 60-80cm, and sub-soiling with heavy vibratory sub-soiler VR 5 on 30-35cm depth. After basic tillage we prepared soil for seeding with preparation by disking and harrowing 2. Control variant without ameliorative measures. The following morphological and productive properties of winter wheat were studied: root biomass, stalk height, head, ear number, and grain yield. Ameliorative tillage systems had subsequently effects for all investigated morphology properties on this heavy soil type. Many of them are important for productive properties were statistically significant compared with control. Ameliorative tillage system increase significantly grain yield of winter wheat kg/ha compared with control.Ispitivanje uticaja sistema meliorativne obrade zemljišta zasnovanog na novim konstrukcionim rešenjima i tehnologiji (ravnanje zemljišta+podrivanje krtičnim plugom+vibraciono razrivačko oruđe) tokom 2008/09, odnosno njegovog produžnog dejstva na morfološke i produktivne osobine ozime pšenice obavljeno je na imanju Instituta za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje' u Krnješevcima u 2009/10. godini. Pratili smo uticaj produžnog dejstva meliorativnog sistema obrade zemljišta na važnije morfološke osobine ozime pšenice u dva roka, u bokorenju i u klasanju. Na kraju vegetacionog perioda pred žetvu uzeli smo uzorke za prinos zrna i druge morfološke karakteristike. Nasuprot meliorisanoj površini imali smo kontrolnu površinu. Primenjene meliorativne mere mere imale su pozitivan uticaj odnosno produžno dejstvo osetilo se i u drugoj godini posle primene što se vidi iz rezultata prinosa zrna ozime pšenice koji je veći za 620 kg/ha u poređenju sa prinosom sa kontrolne varijante

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