Upotreba korijandra (Coriandrum sativum L.)


All parts of the plant are edible, but the dried seeds (Coriandri fructus), fresh leaves (Coriandri folium) and aerial parts of plant (Coriandri herba) are the most common used. A seeds is used like powdered, dry extract, tea, tincture, decoction or infusion, leaf as vegetable or spice, and aerial parts for distilation of essential oil.Medicinal benefits: In folk medicine, the seeds of coriander are used as an aromatic, carminative, stomachic, antispasmodic and against gastrointestinal complains such as dyspepsia, flatulance and gastralgia. It is often recomanded for insomnia and anxiety. Seed is also used as an analgetic and antirheumatic agent. This plant is also used like anthelmintic for Ascaris lumbricoides and Pheretima posthuma. Its use is recommended for healing urinary system, ie uretritis, cistitis and urinary tract infection. It has also been used in heavy metal detoxification. Pharmacological studies have demonstrated antibacerial and antifungal properties. This studies indicated that coriander revealed a significant scope to develop a novel broad spectrum of antibacterial herbal formulation, and have potential for new natural antifungal formulation. Essential oil and seed extracts from coriander have been shown to possess antioxidant, antidiabetic, anticancerous and antimutagenic properties, and plays a protective role against the deleterious effects on lipid metabolism.Nutritional uses: The dried fruits or seed are used as a condiment in pickle spices, seasonings, curry powders, sausages, cakes, pastries, biscuits, buns. It was suggested that addition of coriander to food would increase the antioxidant content and may have potential as a natural antioxidant and thus inhibit unwanted oxidation processes. Healing animals: In fish fed mixture is used because of detoxification effect and immunestimulant activity. Treatment with coriander extract helps sheep and goat to reduce worms (Haemonochus contortus), and dietary supplementation in broiler and Japanese quail is good growth and health promoter. on food industry: Coriander essential oil is used in perfumery and in tobacco industry, but it also showed activity against stored-product beetle pests. Fatty oil from coriander seed is new source for biodiesel fuel.U mnogim zemljama i kulturama, korijander ima dugu istoriju upotrebe kao začin, ali i za lečenje organa za varenje, bolesti urinarnog sistema, insomnije, kao afrodizijak i anthelmintik. Takođe se koristi i za izlučivanje teških metala iz organizma. Naročito velika pažnja se pridaje njegovim antibakterijskim i antioksidativnim osobinama. Utvrđeno je da korijander deluje antimikrobno na veliki broj gram pozitivnih i negativnih bakterija i gljivica, te bi zbog toga mogao da se koristi za razvoj novog spektra antibaktiotika biljnih formulacija. Usled oksidativnog stresa dolazi do pojave nekih bolesti kao što su: reumatoidni artritis, arteroskleroza i neurodegenerativne bolesti, kancer, dijabetes, a brojnim studijama je potvrđena njegova antioksidativna aktivnost. Smatra se da je korijander vrlo perspektivna biljka antioksidans, sa obzirom na to da se zbog svojih aromatičnih svojstava, rado koristi kao suplement u ishrani, ali i kao začin. Često se dodaje i kao konzervans u mesnoj industriji, ali se uvodi i u ishranu životinja

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