Uticaj načina gajenja na mortalitet fazančića


The paper presents the results of the analysis on the loss of young pheasants in the process of pheasants rearing. The analysis of the results regarding the production of pheasants was conducted at two pheasant farms 'Rit' and 'Vinik' in the period from 2002 - 2004. The mortality of young pheasants up to the ninth day of age, at pheasant farm 'Rit', varied from 0,26%-0.70%. In a vented hall the mortality was in the interval of 1.30%-2.55%, and in volières (large cages) used for turning the pheasants into a wild game birds, it ranged from 1.70%-1.78%. Total mortality in pheasants up to 40 days of age varied between 3.60%-4.47%. In the batteries at the pheasant farm 'Vinik', the mortality of young pheasants ranged from 2.21%-3.62%. In vented boxes the highest mortality from 3.11%-6.73% was recorded, whilst in volières for turning the pheasants into a wild game birds, the lowest mortality ranging between 2.34% and 3.04% was recorded. Total mortality from hatching until 40 days of age varied from 8.33%-13.39%. A great number of exogenous factors influence production results of young pheasants rearing in pheasants farms. Mortality in battery station and vented boxes can be ascribed to a technical shortages of the buildings themselves, where adequate conditions regarding temperature, space, ventilation, hygiene, moisture in the rooms for rearing, kind of diets and the way of their distribution, etc., are not well provided.Izvršena je analiza uticaja načina gajenja na mortalitet fazančića, do 40 dana starosti, u dve fazanerije, u periodu od tri godine. Proizvodnja i odgoj, u tehničkom i tehnološkom smislu, po pojedinim fazama, dosta se razlikuju, na ove dve fazanerije, a samim tim su i razlike u gubicima (uginućima) veće ili manje. No, u celini gledano, rezultati su dosta dobri, a to potvrđuje i njihovo poređenje sa brojnim literaturnim podacima. Očekuje se da će se i uginuća fazančića smanjiti sa poboljšanjem mikroklimatskih uslova u objektima, boljom preventivom i manjom pojavom bolesti, boljem regulisanju optimalnog broja u određenom prostoru, boljom i adekvatnijom ishranom, kao i nekim drugim faktorima

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