Značaj i uloga organski vezanih mikroelemenata u ishrani domaćih životinja


In this review paper the presentation of most important micro mineral sources in the nutrition of the economically most important species and categories of domestic animals is given. Their physiological functions and concentration in domestic feeds and possible sources is explained. Within the treatise the choice of the most suitable sources of microelements was explained while special attention was given to organically bonded microelements. The presented results show that the use of microelements bonded with polysaccharides has equally good effects as microelements bonded with amino acids or short peptides (chelates). They also have positive effects on milk production, decrease of somatic cells, better reproduction performances spermatogenesis in male breeding animals and stimulate the immune system of the animal.U radu je dat prikaz važnijih izvora mikroelemenata u ishrani ekonomski najvažnijih vrsta domaćih životinja. Ukazano je na njihove fiziološke funkcije, sadržaj u hranivima i jedinjenjima mikroelemenata koja se koriste u našoj zemlji. U okviru razmatranja najpodesnijih izvora mikroelemenata posebna pažnja posvećena je organski vezanim mikroelementima. Prezentirani rezultati ukazuju da korišćenje mikroelemenata vezanih za polisaharide pokazuju bolju iskoristivost mikroelemenata od onih koji su vezani za aminokiseline ili kratke peptide (helati). Oni imaju pozitivan uticaj na produkciju mleka, smanjenje broja somatskih ćelija, poboljšanje rezultata reprodukcije životinja, spermatogenezu muških priplodnih grla i podstiču imunološke sposobnosti životinja

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