Tendencije razvoja poljoprivrednih traktora


General techniques development significantly affects agricultural tractors development. In mechanization of agriculture, three concepts of mobile systems development are present: tractors development, self - propelled chassis development, self - propelled machines development. In further tractors development, next tendencies are emphasized: tractors specialization, engine power increment and its development, gear box characteristics and ergonomically conditions improvement. Hydrostatic systems are much more applied. Actual science accomplishment, agriculture mechanization technical and technological performances, as well as satellites and computer technology, give possibilities of cultivation system defining, for every field and every soil type, particularly. All of these demands should be satisfied by specific tractor construction. Nowadays classic concept of tractor construction is still predominant (about 80 % of all designs), but more specified solutions are present, also.Opšti razvoj tehnike u velikoj meri utiče i na trendove razvoja poljoprivrednih traktora. U mehanizaciji poljoprivrede prisutne su tri koncepcije razvoja mobilnih sistema i to: razvoj traktora, razvoj samohodnih šasija, razvoj samohodnih mašina. Dalje tendencije razvoja traktora usmerene su ka: specijalizaciji traktora, povećanju snage motora i njegovom usavršavanju, poboljšanju karakteristika menjačkog prenosnika, poboljšanju ergonomskih uslova. Primena hidrostatičkih sistema sve je aktuelnija i sve više dolazi do izražaja. Današnja dostignuća nauke, tehničko-tehnološka rešenja poljoprivredne mehanizacije, zatim rešenja satelitske i kompjuterske tehnologije, pružaju mogućnosti da se za svaku parcelu i svako zemljište definiše način obrade. Na sve ove zahteve treba odgovoriti konstrukcijom traktora. Danas još uvek dominira klasičan koncept gradnje traktora (80 % svih rešenja), ali uz sve užu specijalizaciju i namenu

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