La valutazione dell’esperienza del pubblico. Accessibilità e studi di ricezione al Macerata Opera Festival


This essay discusses an audience reception study carried out in the framework of media accessibility in order to evaluate the experience of blind/partially sighted patrons and their (sighted) accompanying persons in the context of Macerata Opera Festival (MOF), 2018 edition. Adopting a qualitative analytical approach, in which the main interest is on individuals (i.e. the samples under investigation), and relying on post-hoc self-report questionnaires, three interdependent variables were measured: (1) comprehension and recall, (2) cognitive load, and (3) psychological immersion. This analytical approach was then combined with a descriptive approach including the collection of attitudinal data for the evaluation of appreciation and preferences. Results reveal that there was no substantial divergence in the levels of the variables under investigation between the two samples: blind/partially sighted and sighted (accompanying) patrons. Additionally, audio description and tactile tours did not provoke cognitive overloading and they even increased psychological immersion. Furthermore, it is possible to find a correspondence between the high levels of appreciation and preferences and the results related to comprehension and recall, cognitive load, and psychological immersion. This confirms the effectiveness of audio descriptions and tactile tours in enhancing audience’s experience and increasing blind/partially sighted users’ empowerment

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