An Evaluation on the Compliance to Safety Helmet Usage among Motorcyclists in Batu Pahat, Johor


This paper presents methods on how to determine the level of practice of usage of safetyhelmet among motorcyclist in Batu Pahat and to identify the target group who are most likelyto violate the safety helmet law among. A questionnaire study was carried out in urban andrural Batu Pahat. A total of 185 respondents were interviewed and the data was analyzed usingthe statistics. Six variables were found to be significant at percent level (p<0.05): gender,education level, type of safety helmet, distance of travel, riding experience and location oftravel. Practice of safety helmet usage among motorcyclist in Batu Pahat was found to behigher for female riders, higher educated riders, full shell helmet users, travelling at a distanceof 1 km to 10 km, riders having good practice and riders in the town area. All the variablesabove are contributing factors in the practice of helmet usage among motorcyclists in BatuPahat. Subsequently, the road safety programs and enforcement teams should be more focusedon male riders, rider with low education levels, half shell helmet riders, 10 km and belowdistance, riding experience for 10 years above and rural riders based on their lower practice ofusing safety helmet

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