Predictive Factors For Three Pronuclear Zygote In Ivf Cycle


Introduction: Preimplantation Genetic Testing is one of the methods to screen genetic defects in embryos created through In Vitro Fertilization. In developing country this technique is still new and expensive method. Thus, knowing several factors in predicting the occurrence of three-pronuclear zygote can help much.Method: 472 cycles in 449 subjects who underwent controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in IVF cycles between January 2013 and August 2014 were included in the study. Categorical variables were compared using Chi Square test and continuous variables were analyzed using Independent t-test, and statistically significant was considered when p < 0.05. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed in order to correlate clinical variables and the occurrence of three-pronuclear zygote (3pn). Results: There were 38 3pn was identified in this study (8.05%). No correlation was found between age of the women, number of mature follicles, which are less than six with the incidence of 3pn. However, level of Anti Mullerian Hormones (AMH) found to be the strongest predictor with the incidence of 3PN (p < 0,01, RR 2.5, CI95% 1,55; 4.16).Conclusion: level of AMH is known to be strong predictor of thee pronuclear zygote after IVF cycle

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