Comparative Analysis of Leasing versus Buying General Purpose Vehicles (Sedan) in the Korean Air Force


Elmendorf Air Force Base (AFB) is one of the two key ERS airfields for the Pacific Theater. The condition of en route airfields has recently come to the attention of the DoD and the GAO. Delays at these airfields may cause personnel and equipment to arrive late in theater. Fuel systems at Elmendorf AFB are currently being improved, but the GAO questions whether these improvements will help the throughput. As well as being an en route airfield, Elmendorf is also an important Interim Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) APOE for Fort Richardson. The IBCT is designed to operate in small-scale contingency operations in both complex and urban locations. The IBCT will be deployed within ninety-six hours between departure of first aircraft and arrival of last aircraft. The IBCT also requires fifty percent hazardous cargo loads, which reduces available parking for safety reasons. This research uses the Airfield Simulation Tool (AST) to model both the en route and the IBCT scenarios. The focus of the modeling effort is to understand the limiting factors for both scenarios at Elmendorf AFB

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