Democrats 66 at the Dutch Political Scene


V 60. letech 20. století vznikla v Nizozemsku politická strana, která se svým programem zásadně odlišovala od již existujících stran. Nejenže po nejbližších volbách "neupadla v zapomnění", ale podařilo se jí udržet na nizozemské politické scéně a dokonce několikrát výrazně zasáhnout do fungování státu. Zrodil se fenomén strany Demokraté 66. Mým cílem je vysvětlit, proč strana vznikla a z jakého důvodu dosud setrvala na nizozemské politické scéně. V druhé řadě si pokládám otázku, jakou úlohu plnila strana ve vládních koalicích, na nichž participovala. V první kapitole se zabývám vznikem strany vroce 1966 a jejím vývojem do současnosti. Ve druhé kapitole se téměř výlučně zabývám vládami, na nichž se Demokraté'66 (resp. Demokraté 66) podíleli. Powered by TCPDF ( Bachelor's thesis "Democrats 66 at the Dutch Political Scene" considers the political life in the Netherlands during the second half of the 20th century. The political party Democrats '66 was established in October 1966 with the view of reform the Dutch political system and democratize the Dutch society. It experienced several intraparty crises, after one of which (in 1985) the party renamed Democrats 66. It designates itself as the left-of-centre, progressive liberal party. The Bachelor's thesis is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the party establishment and its internal development up to the present day. It examines in detail two main party requirements - a direct election of the Prime Minister and a change of the Second Chamber electoral system. Further, it contains an analysis of party election programs, its election results to the Second Chamber and a development of the party membership. The point is to ascertain a reason for the party establishment and partly its maintenance at the Dutch political scene. The second part deals with the party participation on government coalitions and especially with its formation and functioning of those governments. The particular attention is given to the representation of Democrats '66 (Democrats 66, respectively) and its policy in those...Katedra politologieDepartment of Political ScienceFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

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