Comparative study of pattern of infections in adult patients presenting as Acute Japanese Encephalitis and Acute Non Japanese Viral Encephalitis in tertiary care centre in Eastern Uttar Pradesh


Introduction : Acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) caused by Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus is a major health problem in Eastern Uttar Pradesh in India since 1978. In last 10 years a change in pattern of AES has been noticed, with two distinct patterns. One group has AES with extrapyramidal involvement and higher JE virus positivity, while the other has concomitant systemic involvement, mimicking enterovirus infection with low JE virus positivity. Aim& objectives :To compare the pattern of infections in adult patients presenting as Acute JE and Acute Non JE in a tertiary care centre in Eastern Uttar Pradesh.Methods : Fifty eight patients of JE were compared with the 115 patients with Non JE viral encephalitis for demography, clinical features, investigations, complications and outcome. It was a prospective study with one month follow up. Results & Conclusion : Cases of JE came mostly from August to October, while cases of Non JE came throughout the year. Abdominal pain, loose stools, swelling of body and breathlessness were more common in Non JE patients. Hepatomegaly, icterus, ascitis and raised JVP were more common in Non JE patients. Non JE cases have multisystem involvement like renal, hepatic and cardiac. Cerebellar signs, extrapyramidal signs, brisk DTR, hypertonia and hemiparesis were predominant in JE.Full recovery was achieved in 68.96% in JE and 74.78% in Non JE. Partial recovery with sequelae was seen in 13.79% in JE and 11.30% in Non JE. The case fatality rate was 13.79% in JE and 10.43% in Non JE

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