Tissue-specific transcriptome analysis reveals candidate genes for terpenoid and phenylpropanoid metabolism in the medicinal plant ferula assafoetida


© 2019 ABRF. Methionine oxidation plays a critical role in many processes of biologic and biomedical importance, including cellular redox responses and stability of protein pharmaceuticals. Bottom-up methods for analysis of methionine oxidation can suffer from incomplete sequence coverage, as well as an inability to readily detect correlated oxidation between 2 or more methionines. However, the methodology for quantifying protein oxidation in top-down analyses is lacking. Previous work has shown that electron transfer dissociation (ETD)–based tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) fragmentation offers accurate and precise quantification of amino acid oxidation in peptides, even in complex samples. However, the ability of ETD-based MS/MS fragmentation to accurately quantify amino acid oxidation of proteins in a top-down manner has not been reported. Using apomyoglobin and calmodulin as model proteins, we partially converted methionines into methionine sulfoxide by incubation in H2O2. Using top-down ETD-based fragmentation, we quantified the amount of oxidation of various ETD product ions and compared the quantified values with those from traditional bottom-up analysis. We find that overall quantification of methionine oxidation by top-down MS/MS ranges from good agreement with traditional bottom-up methods to vast differences between the 2 techniques, including missing oxidized product ions and large differences in measured oxidation quantities. Care must be taken in transitioning ETD-based quantitation of oxidation from the peptide level to the intact protein level

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