Dynamic Optimal Control for Multi-chemotherapy Treatment of Dual Listeriosis Infection in Human and Animal Population


Following the rising cases of high hospitalization versa-vise incessant fatality rates and the close affinity of listeriosis with HIV/AIDS infection, which often emanates from food-borne pathogens associated with listeria monocytogenes infection, this present paper seek and formulated as penultimate model, an 8-Dimensional classical mathematical Equations which directly accounted for the biological interplay of dual listeriosis virions with dual set of population (human and animals). The model was studied under multiple chemotherapies (trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole with a combination of penicillin or ampicillin and/or gentamicin). Using ODE’s, the positivity and boundedness of system solutions was investigated with model presented as an optimal control problem. In the analysis that follows, the study explored classical Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle with which the model optimality control system as well as existence and uniqueness of the control system were established. In correlating the derived model with clinical implications, numerical validity of the model was conducted. Results indicated that under cogent and adherent to specify multiple chemotherapies, maximal recovery of both human and animal infected population was tremendously achieved with consequent rapid decline to near zero infection growth. The study therefore suggests further articulation of more chemotherapies and early application at onset of infection for a visible elimination of listeriosis infection

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