Using Crash Detection and Alert Beacons on an Electronic Device to Increase Survival of Snow Immersion Victims


This publication describes systems and techniques for crash detection on an electronic device to trigger transmitting alert beacons with the electronic device. The alert beacons may be received by nearby electronic devices to alert the users of those electronic devices of a snow immersion victim. A crash is detected by monitoring one or more sensors on an electronic device for a tumbling or inversion of the electronic device that indicates a snow immersion accident. Additionally, location and weather may also be monitored to detect a snow immersion accident and support a crash detection. After a crash is detected, a user of the electronic device may be provided with a notification to dismiss triggering alert beacons. If the user does not dismiss the notification, the electronic device may trigger transmitting alert beacons to alert others via wireless signal that the user has been in a snow immersion accident. The alerts may be provided via a peer-to-peer system tagged with location information of the snow immersion accident. The alerts can assist others in locating the snow immersion accident victim more quickly

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