An example of a non-associative Moufang loop of point classes on a cubic surface


Let k=Q3(θ)k=\mathbb{Q}_3(\theta), θ3=1\theta^3=1 be a quadratic extension of 3-adic numbers. Let VV be a cubic surface defined over a field kk by the equation T03+T13+T23+θT03=0T_0^3+T_1^3+T_2^3+\theta T_0^3=0 and let V(k)V(k) be a set of rational points on VV defined over kk. We show that a relation on V(k)V(k) modulo a prime (1−θ)3(1-\theta)^3 (in a ring of integers of kk) defines an admissible relation on a set of rational points of VV over kk and a commutative Moufang loop associated with classes of this admissible equivalence on V(k)V(k) is non-associative. This answers a long standing problem that was formulated by Yu. I. Manin more than 50 years ago about existence of non-abelian quasi-groups associated with some cubic surface over some field

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